在本書中,作者旨在為創業家與對於本書感興趣的讀者提供關於創業家個人屬性,其中包括其的人格特質、背景以及基因等,對於創業家的可能影響,與相關具研究基礎的知識與見解;本書也歸納許多關於新創公司創建過程的研究成果,並著重於新創公司創建開始前的事項和活動等;以及創業家在新創公司中扮演的角色以及對新創公司成功的影響。本書也探討關於新創公司可能面臨的危機、生存和消滅的威脅,以及成功的創業家如何提高新創公司的存活機會,並實現新創公司的成長發展。 |
Part 1: Essence of Entrepreneurship Chapter 1: The Twin Pillars of New Venture Creation Part 2: The Making of an Entrepreneur Chapter 2: Entrepreneurial Traits Chapter 3: Personal Background Chapter 4: Social Influences Chapter 5: Influence of Genes and Environment Part 3: New Venture Creation Process Chapter 6: Intention to Start a New Venture Chapter 7: Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Nature and Attributes Chapter 8: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Chapter 9: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluation Chapter 10: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Exploitation Chapter 11: New Venture Business Planning Chapter 12: Forming a New Organization Chapter 13: Forming the Founding Team Chapter 14: Building the Initial Resource Base Part 4: Post-startup Chapter 15: New Venture Mortality and Survival Chapter 16: Venture Growth (1) Chapter 17: Venture Growth (2) Chapter 18: Persistence of Underperforming Ventures References